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Shotgun 5X (20 Serves)

$ 58.99
Pre Workout

In the world of pre-workout powders and drinks, many manufacturers seem to believe that outrageous claims are the ultimate standard of effectiveness — the more over-the-top and ridiculous, the better.

I mean, what screams “superior product” louder than a skull-and-crossbones or promises of a near-death experience (usually the result of the product’s taste, not its superior ingredients, by the way)? Worse, most of these “elixirs from the Gods” are nothing more than cheap stimulants, designed to make you think you’re swole, but doing little to make it a reality.

Shotgun® 5X™ is different.

Yeah, we could talk about how Shotgun® 5X™ produces skin-bursting pumps, phenomenal fat-burning, and mindbending muscle growth, but we’d rather just present facts — like those contained in a 2009 study conducted by folks with multiple degrees (as opposed to multiple “Beast Mode” tattoos) concluding that 28 days of resistance training, coupled with Shotgun®, had “no negative effects on the clinical safety markers assessed, while effectively increasing muscle strength and mass, myofibrillar protein content, and stimulating increases in myogenic markers indicative of satellite cell activation.”

This included:

  • 82% increase in bench-press strength.
  • 40% increase in leg-press strength.
  • 39% increase in myofibrillar protein.
  • 42% increase in HGF (human growth factor) levels.
  • 91% increase in MyoD (a protein that plays a major role in regulating muscle differentiation).
  • 75% increase in DNA content.

So, if you’re looking for results instead of propaganda, pick up some Shotgun® 5X™ today!

Bang (12 x 500ml)

$ 58.99
Energy RTD

VPX Sports introduces BANG. These energy RTD’s, are a line of carbonated beverages formulated to help fuel the brain and body, the company says. Available in delicious flavours, each can contains creatine, glutamine, branched-chain amino acids, caffeine, and coenzyme Q10 without any calories, carbohydrates, or sugars.

  • Zero Sugar
  • Zero Carbohydrates
  • Great tasting

Give yourself an edge in achieving your goals, the perfect combination with our personal training APP. If you aren't on our APP already you can get 14 days of FREE personal training now at www.tryfitnessonline.com

MPS-X10 (28 Serves)

$ 48.99

Delicious Multifunctional Pre-, Intra- and Post-Workout Drink Looking for a great-tasting drink you can have pre-, intra-, or post-workout? Well, Muscle Protein Synthesizer™ is the product for you!

MPS-X10™ contains a full spectrum of essential amino acids (EAAs), which are the building blocks of muscle. EAAs are necessary for increasing muscle protein synthesis and have a muscle-sparing effect on muscle tissue.†

Recent research suggests that EAAs are superior to branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) for increasing muscle protein synthesis. What separates MPS-X10™ from every other amino acid supplement on the market is the 2:2:1 leucine, isoleucine, and valine ratio of the BCAAs it contains.

Many supplement companies erroneously have increased Leucine content in the BCAA profile; however, this is scientifically flawed.MPS-X10™ contains 10 grams of EAAs which is considered the optimal dose of EAAs to maximally stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

Master Blaster (20 Serve)

$ 65.99
Pre Workout

Bang® Master Blaster® is not your stereotypical life-sucking/muscle-destroying pre-workout concentrate. The very definition of Bang® screams scientific BREAKTHROUGH! Bang® Master Blaster® triggered a major PARADIGM SHIFT among the performance and bodybuilding authorities to become the most disruptive scientific innovation in the 30-year history of Sports Nutrition!

  • 7.5 grams of BCAAs for muscle growth and endurance
  • Up to 6 grams of citrulline malate for ridiculous muscle pumps
  • 5 grams of creatine monohydrate for more energy and muscle growth
  • 2.5 grams of betaine anhydrous for explosive power and strength
  • 2.4 grams of beta-alanine for increasing endurance, strength and recovery
  • 350 milligrams of caffeine anhydrous to increase mental alertness, training intensity and muscle performance
  • 250 milligrams of patented SUPER CREATINE® (creatyl-L-leucine)
  • Gluten-free

Synthesize Canister (20 Serves)

$ 64.99

If you’re looking to feed your muscles, add more lean mass, and recover faster from those grueling workouts on our fitness app, Synthesize® is made for you!

Doesn't matter whether VPX or Bang is your pre-workout,  Synthesize is the perfect post-workout supplement. In fact, the Synthesize® / Shotgun 5x™ stack is one of the most significant muscle-building innovations in the roughly 40-year history of sports nutrition, backed by three university studies. This pre-and the post-workout stack is proven to increase muscle DNA by 148% while increasing five different muscle gene proteins by up to 515%.

The result, significant increases in lean muscle. Synthesize® contains fractionated protein peptides to support optimal muscle protein synthesis and assist in strength and recovery, along with the full spectrum of essential amino acids (EAAs)!

For best results, download our personal training app, get 14 days free, and then consume Shotgun 5x™ pre-workout with Synthesize® post-workout. Let's start hitting those fitness goals on tryfitnessonline.com