In the world of pre-workout powders and drinks, many manufacturers seem to believe that outrageous claims are the ultimate standard of effectiveness — the more over-the-top and ridiculous, the better.
I mean, what screams “superior product” louder than a skull-and-crossbones or promises of a near-death experience (usually the result of the product’s taste, not its superior ingredients, by the way)? Worse, most of these “elixirs from the Gods” are nothing more than cheap stimulants, designed to make you think you’re swole, but doing little to make it a reality.
Shotgun® 5X™ is different.
Yeah, we could talk about how Shotgun® 5X™ produces skin-bursting pumps, phenomenal fat-burning, and mindbending muscle growth, but we’d rather just present facts — like those contained in a 2009 study conducted by folks with multiple degrees (as opposed to multiple “Beast Mode” tattoos) concluding that 28 days of resistance training, coupled with Shotgun®, had “no negative effects on the clinical safety markers assessed, while effectively increasing muscle strength and mass, myofibrillar protein content, and stimulating increases in myogenic markers indicative of satellite cell activation.”
This included:
- 82% increase in bench-press strength.
- 40% increase in leg-press strength.
- 39% increase in myofibrillar protein.
- 42% increase in HGF (human growth factor) levels.
- 91% increase in MyoD (a protein that plays a major role in regulating muscle differentiation).
- 75% increase in DNA content.
So, if you’re looking for results instead of propaganda, pick up some Shotgun® 5X™ today!
Shotgun 5X (20 Serves)
New Zealand's Best Sports Supplements & Fitness Training