May 25, 2021
As discussed in Macronutrients 101, proteins are one of three large energy-yielding nutrients that make up this group, the others being Carbohydrates and Fat. Protein is a source of energy but its main role in the body is growth and repair. It helps in the formation of muscles, hair, nails, skin, and organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver. Enzymes, hemoglobin, some hormones, and antibodies are just a few examples of the substances in our bodies that are made of protein molecules.
Essential in the process of building muscle mass, protein is chemically composed of amino acids which are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur. Stay with me here, just a little bit more science then I’ll tell you how all of this leads to you getting fit! Amino acids are what we call the building blocks of proteins and proteins are the building blocks of muscle mass, see where I’m going with this? Muscles!
You see, when proteins are broken down in the body they help to fuel muscle mass which helps your immune system stay strong and aids your metabolism. On top of that, it helps you stay full. Consuming high protein snacks like yogurt will lead to reductions in hunger throughout the day and also result in smaller portion sizes being consumed at mealtimes.
Lean ground beef, pork chops, chicken breast, sockeye salmon, yellowfin tuna, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, navy beans, lentils, peanut butter, and quinoa are all examples of protein-rich foods. Not enough protein in the diet leads to muscle wasting, including damage to the heart, liver, pancreas, and gut. The immune system and developing brain can also be negatively affected. We believe in creating balanced, healthy habits that last a lifetime and these foods are the essential building blocks for a healthy nutrition plan.